Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


British University College (BUC) is fully committed to preventing slavery, human trafficking, and any form of exploitation within our operations, supply chains, and partnerships. As an institution of higher education, we recognize our ethical responsibility to uphold human rights and to ensure that no form of modern slavery or human trafficking occurs in any aspect of our work.

We strongly support the principles of the UAE’s Federal Law on combating human trafficking, as well as global initiatives such as the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, even though BUC is a private institution in the United Arab Emirates. This statement outlines the steps we have taken, and will continue to take, to combat slavery and human trafficking in our organization.

Our Commitment

At BUC, we are dedicated to ensuring that all our activities, from academic programs to campus operations, adhere to the highest ethical standards. We have a zero-tolerance approach to slavery, forced labor, and human trafficking, and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings.

This commitment extends to:

  • Operations and Employment Practices: Ensuring fair employment practices, with no exploitation of employees, contractors, or third-party staff.
  • Supply Chains: Working only with suppliers, contractors, and business partners who share our commitment to combating human trafficking and modern slavery.

Supply Chains and Due Diligence

BUC maintains relationships with a wide range of suppliers, contractors, and service providers. We are committed to ensuring that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. Our procurement and contracting processes include:

  • Risk assessments of our supply chains to identify potential risks related to slavery and trafficking.
  • Due diligence checks to ensure that all suppliers, contractors, and partners are compliant with anti-slavery and human trafficking laws.
  • Supplier agreements that require compliance with all relevant anti-slavery and human trafficking legislation, including termination clauses for any violations of these principles.

Employment Practices

BUC is committed to providing a safe and fair working environment for all employees, including strict adherence to UAE labor laws. We ensure that:

  • All recruitment and employment practices are transparent and free from forced labor or human trafficking.
  • Employees are not required to pay any recruitment fees, and we do not retain passports or personal identification documents, which are common indicators of forced labor.
  • Fair wages are paid in compliance with local laws, and working conditions are regularly monitored to prevent any form of exploitation.

Training and Awareness

We recognize the importance of educating our staff, students, and partners about the risks of slavery and human trafficking. BUC will continue to:

  • Provide training to employees, particularly those involved in procurement and human resources, to ensure they can identify and report any signs of modern slavery or human trafficking.
  • Raise awareness among our students and the wider university community about the importance of human rights and ethical practices, reinforcing our zero-tolerance stance on slavery and exploitation.

Reporting and Compliance

We have established clear channels for reporting any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking within our operations or supply chains. Any member of staff, student, or third party can raise concerns or report suspicious activity through:

  • Confidential reporting systems, allowing individuals to report issues without fear of retaliation.
  • Investigation procedures that ensure prompt action is taken if any allegations of slavery or human trafficking are reported.

BUC will take immediate action against any supplier, contractor, or employee found to be in violation of anti-slavery and human trafficking laws. This may include termination of contracts, reporting to law enforcement, and other legal actions.

Continuous Improvement

We recognize that the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking requires ongoing vigilance. BUC is committed to continually improving our policies, procedures, and practices to combat slavery and trafficking in all forms. We will regularly review our anti-slavery strategy to ensure it remains effective and relevant.


British University College stands firmly against all forms of slavery, human trafficking, and exploitation. We will continue to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and ensure that our operations, supply chains, and employment practices reflect our unwavering commitment to human rights and dignity.

This statement will be reviewed and updated annually to reflect any changes in the law or improvements in our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Contact Information

For further information regarding our stance on slavery and human trafficking, please contact:
Phone: +971 65 238 999
Mailing Address: British University College, Ajman, UAE



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